
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wish List!

There are so many things we need to set right in life, that I wonder whether one lifetime is enough to do so. Some of the issues that rankle me on a daily basis:
When people walk on the road with the dog or a child on their right. The danger of the dog suddenly being hit by an oncoming vehicle, or the child losing his or her grip and be knocked down.
When people refuse to accept that situations and people can change, and that means relationships also change.
When some people think that just because you don a particular hat, it is mandatory that you function in a certain way alone, and that out of the box thinking is taboo!
When people insist that we need to be ‘right’ in all that we say, think or do, feelings notwithstanding.

Mohana Narayanan
March 11,2011

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